Meet The Team – Matej Groboljšek, Technical Delivery Manager

Meet The Team – Matej Groboljšek

May’s Meet the Team spotlight covers Matej Groboljšek, Technical Delivery Manager, who’s been a GRIDer since October 2022. Matej and his team supports a range of other company departments as well as working to provide value to GRID’s clients & partners. Read on to learn more about his experience in his role and with GRID!

1. Where do you primarily work from? Are you based in one of GRID’s offices, or do you work remotely?

As a full-time remote-worker, I have a lot of flexibility in the ways I work and where I work from. In the years with GRID, I’ve found that a combination of home office and co-working space works the best for me. It’s a good balance between the perks of working from home and still socializing with people. 

2. You’ve been on the GRID for over a year-and-a-half now, what does your current day-to-day look like as Technical Delivery Manager?

The days at GRID are always dynamic and can be quite different from each other. We might spend one day solving a complex integration issue with an important customer, while the next day we are in deep discussions with our project and engineering teams about upcoming features we are working on.

The next day could then be spent trying to identify how our clients could receive bigger value out of our products. This swings not just from day-to-day but mostly each day a few times — so the job does keep me on my toes.

3. How would you describe how your team works with other departments across the company?

One of our team’s main objectives is to be the connective tissue between different teams and the customer. We work very closely with support, sales, product and engineering on a daily basis. I like to think that we work well with all of these teams and we are always looking for ways to improve upon our processes and create new ways of working to bring the most benefit to our customers.

4. What has been your most memorable experience so far at GRID? What are you working on currently?

My most memorable experience so far was for sure this year’s GRIDCon. Seeing each and every GRIDer being so passionate about what we do, how we do it and what we want to become is truly inspirational and provides me with motivation to do my best each and every day.

Besides the day-to-day work, we are currently working on trying to improve the overall customer experience from the first day they start using our services all the way to where they have been using them for years. 

5. What makes GRID unique is its people and their interests — what are some of your favorite hobbies outside of work?

I like a bunch of different things, but at the top of the list would be volunteer firefighting, which has been a part of my life since I was 5. I also enjoy trail running when I’m not injured and futsal. For more indoor-type activities I like are board games and Legos. Following me everywhere in my hobbies are my two dogs Nox and Lumos.

Look out for the next edition of Meet the Team!

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